Is Self-awareness A Shortcut To Heal?

The gift of self-awareness, more often than not, presents us with a choice to remain the same because of fear/shame/judgment or to say yes to an invitation of adventure and discovery. Oliver’s decided it was time to learn, and he wanted it to be an adventure. This story is an excellent example of how moving from awareness to ownership is foundational in the healing journey. 

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A Reflection On The Year 2021

Many of us are ready to put 2021 behind us, lest we forget the lessons still fresh like an open wound. As we plan for the future by digging deep into the mystery of the vision board, as we search far and wide for that one word to feel anchored in the journey or as we bend our knees and lean in for a Holy Spirit infused scripture, may we take the gifts of yesteryear, hold truth and compassion near and may all that is un-lived in us blossom into the future all that is pure, lovely and true.

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Looking Back To Move Forward

As a child, there were many times where I was in a fight or flight trauma response. I was either running away from being beaten, hiding under the bed the moment I hear footsteps coming toward me or I’d often fold my body in a fetal position to self-protect from physical abuse. I became really good at dissociating my body and from my emotions to survive unsafe environments. Today, my body is shedding the weight of all i’ve been carrying for years. Holding emotion is becoming foreign to my body and that’s a great and scary at the same time.

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Crossing Thresholds While Healing

When Jesus healed the blind man he instructed him not to go back to the village, having crossed the threshold into vision, his life was no longer to be lived in the constricted mode of blindness. New vision meant new frontiers, new frontiers meant new discoveries, new discoveries meant new opportunity to life a full life.

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A Tribute To Mama

As light enters and the hard places in my heart softens, may the depths of my heart hold me still. May I remember you’ve taught me well — what not to do, what not to say, how not to live, how not to give, how not to serve and how not to love.

The silent presence of your death is a gentle reminder of how scarce time is, but more importantly it calls my attention to the urgency of my healing and my freedom from pain. May the angel of healing turn wounds into sources of refreshment and may you rest in eternal peace.

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How I Learned To Take God At His Word

When the ground that once held you up crumbles under your feet, you find something else to stand on. And when each day didn’t bring an answer to the prayers I’ve been breathing, I looked forward to the next day and its possibilities. That’s the thing about taking a step even when your feet are shaking under you — you take another and another and you begin to collect the good moments as gifts from Heaven.

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Good Mom Died, Great God Lives

Mother’s Day is joyous. It holds space for single mothers working multiple jobs to provide her child with the life she dreamt living. Mother’s Day is also painful. It will take you places you’d rather not go. The world collectively pauses and acknowledgement is met with grief as secret memories mourn losses and celebratory moments are lost in forgotten silence.

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10 Scriptures To Boost Your Confidence

There is no external win that will satisfy the internal longing that we have. Unprecedented times, especially now in light of the coronavirus has left our internal and external worlds shaken. If there is one thing we know for sure is that confidence in earthly things is like shifting shadows, but having confidence in God (God-fidence) far outweighs them all. Here are some scriptures to meditate on. Remind your soul of the confidence you can hold true to. Be Encouraged!

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A Center-pieced Heart 

At some point, many of us decide (conscious or not) to partner with death. We believe our hearts are too sick, too confusing, too complicated. Maybe someone hurt us, abused us, neglected us, or ignored us so we use pain to justify silencing our hearts and moving into our heads. After all, its safer in the shrink’s office than in the wild landscape of an abandoned heart. When we do this we cut off our oxygen supply, and we go into survival mode.

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The Luxury Of Peace

Peace of mind is a luxury. I recently discovered that the underlying issue I was struggling to identify was my fear of abandonment. However, over time, I strengthened mentally, developed self-control and worked through my psychological trauma. I have also grown deeper in my relationship with Jesus – and all of this has brought me to a place where as I trusted Jesus and understood my triggers.

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Leading Like Elisha

Elisha was obedient and faithful to God and the position he was called to. He served Elijah for eight years before he took up the mantle. I imagine during these eight years Elisha remained teachable while he had the opportunity to learn everything he needed to prepare him for his season of leadership.

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Four Lessons From John The Baptist

John the Baptist led a life worth emulating. I love studying who he was and the role he played in his mission to lead people to know Jesus.  He did not allow a superficial title or pride to get in the way of his mission. John spent years in the desert living out his calling till the day he was beheaded. Let’s glean a little further on how he prepared the way.

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